The tenth annual Relay for Life to raise funds
for the American Cancer Society was on 2 May 2014 once again at Paradise Valley
Community College.
It started at 6pm which meant the first hour or
so it was in sunlight and then the rest was in the dark. This presented some lighting challenges.
During the daylight portion I sometimes used a
little fill flash. The flash I used was
brand new to me, the Canon 270 EX II, which is a small travel flash. My camera is the Canon 5D Mark III.
During the evening, there were lots of
interesting photo opportunities.
Luckily, I have high ISO capability on my 5D. Usually around 9pm there is the lighting of
candles, the bag piper plays, and they turn all the lights off. Now, my camera can handle low light
situations, but in many cases I had less than low light. The camera still needs a bit of light to
focus. Luckily, getting close the lit
candles gave me something to focus on. I
set the camera to automatic ISO.
Until My Next Adventure,
See You On Down The Road!
See all of my photos
from this adventure on Flickr!
prints from this gallery at my Zenfolio portfolio site.

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